Exploring The Frontier Of The Human Promise
Health, Vitality and Well Being for all people
The Warter Institute develops research and educational programs that accelerate the realization of the human promise. Our programs integrate the latest research into consciousness, psychedelic medicine, technology, science and proven spiritual practices. The goal of the Institute is to create universal access to high quality experiential and educational programs that foster health and enhance the lives of all people so they can fulfill their highest aspirations.
The Warter Institute is a division of the World Health Foundation for Development and Peace, a 501(c)3 charity established by Dr. Carlos Warter in 1982 that has helped thousands of people experience better health and well-being throughout the world. Recipient of numerous awards including the Pax Mundi Award, the UN Peace Messenger Award and the Dag Hammersjold Award, the Foundation works at the intersection of mental health, human potential and social justice.
There has been an increasingly rapid acceleration of the availability of new medications, therapies, psychedelics, transformational coaching and spiritual technology yet these are only tools. The Warter Institute endeavors to create programs that are grounded in universal and eternal principles yet evolve over time to leverage the leading edge of our collective knowledge to unlock the highest potential of all humans. We envision a world where every person is happy, healthy, empowered, has equal opportunity and can reach their highest aspirations and potential. The outcome will be a world of peace, prosperity, innovation and the fulfillment of the human promise.
Cultivating The Human Promise
The realization of the human promise is the profound awareness that we are all human. As a species learning to work together towards shifting the vectors of destruction towards the knowledge of conscious creation, thus not subjecting the essence of the spark of life in human form to the traditionally accepted laws of entropy.
Therefore the core notion of this work is that each human has access to know, embody, and express the spark of the eternal fire of life.
Our Educational Model Has Been Developed To Stand The Test Of Time.
Practitioners, clinicians, and scholarly researchers seeking to further develop themselves don’t just need more time in a lab or school setting. The apprenticeship model takes the best of those environments but applies the practicality needed in our day and age.